Hello everyone. I’m delighted to say that as of August 2024, I have a new creative writing academy which includes a series of free and inexpensive (see below) online writing and editing-related webinars and tutorials. These are run via Zoom and Teachable.

See http://See https://mb-creative-writing-academy.teachable.com.

Are you an author? If so and would like to take part (for free promotion of you and your books), please email me at morgen@morgenbailey.com.

Being a mentor, tutor, editor and author, I will guide you through the aspects of writing from creation to publishing.

  • There will be free weekly ‘Writing 101’ (Tuesday 5pm UK time) and ‘Editing 101’ (Thursday 5pm UK time) live group sessions on Zoom where you can ask anything you like about writing / editing process, starting 10th September and 12th September 2024 respectively. The Zoom links are:
    Writing 101: 5pm (UK time) Tuesday 10th September 2024
    Editing 101: 5pm (UK time) Thursday 12th September 2024 
  • There are regular (at least one per week) free recorded guest spotlights where I talk to authors about their writing, then live chats where we talk about one of their books, then we meet again whenever they have a new book out.
  • A small selection of beginner pre-recorded sessions with topics including tenses, points of view, and ‘more is more’.
  • Each session will last between 30-60 minutes, although we’ll likely go over that as I can talk for England, especially about writing.

There will also be member-only areas:

The Craft of Creative Writing (£50+VAT)

  • Extra live ‘Writing 101’ sessions scheduled weeks in advance so you can plan which ones you’d like to attend live. These will be staggered during the day to suit different time zones.
  • Other live and pre-recorded* Zoom sessions per month on a variety of writing-related topics including: publishing, novel writing, flash fiction and short stories, as well as guest sessions on poetry, scriptwriting and ghostwriting.
    *Topics include dialogue, plotting or pantsing (getting an idea and running with it), further ‘more is more’. ideas and inspiration, publishing, ‘characters, settings and plots’, creative writing for beginners, intermediate, genres.
  • All sessions will be recorded to watch again when suits you, or catch up on the sessions you’ve missed.
  • A free 30-minute 1:1 Zoom session with Morgen to talk about you and your writing.
  • Discounts on further private 1:1 Zoom/email mentoring sessions.
  • Discounts on Morgen’s 1:1 editing service.
  • Online Teachable community so you can chat with other students.
  • Dedicated private Facebook group.

Editing Your Writing (£50+VAT)

  • Extra live ‘Editing 101’ sessions scheduled weeks in advance so you can plan which ones you’d like to attend live. These will be staggered during the day to suit different time zones.
  • Other live and pre-recorded* Zoom sessions per month including ‘Red Pen’ sessions where Morgen provides feedback on authors’ writing.
  • All editing sessions will be recorded to watch again when suits you, or catch up on the sessions you’ve missed.
  • A free 30-minute 1:1 Zoom session with Morgen to talk about you and your writing.
  • Discounts on further private 1:1 Zoom/email mentoring sessions.
  • Discounts on Morgen’s 1:1 editing service.
  • Online Teachable community so you can chat with other students.
  • Dedicated private Facebook group.

Membership costs:

As most of you will be indie authors or readers on a budget, I am determined to keep the costs very low. Each ‘course’ (paid area) of the academy is currently:

  • A one-off fee currently just UK£50 (c. US$ & EU€65 / CAN & AUS$100) plus VAT/tax.
    This will rise to UK £80 (c. US$ & EU€100, CAN & AUS$140) plus VAT/tax on 1st January 2025.
  • Please note that the above prices are subject to the relevant taxes in your country.

Let me know (commenting below or you can email me) what would you like to learn!